Golf Course Grass in South Carolina

What Is the Best Grass for Golf Courses?

Usually, when you first step onto a high-end golf course, the first thing you notice is how beautifully green and well-kept the landscape is. This is not only due to high-maintenance and care, but also the careful selection of sod variety based on its features and applications.

What Types of Varieties Are the Best?

As each type of grass has its uses and advantages, it's important to know which varieties are best-suited for the area in which you are installing it.

Putting Green

The best grass choices for putting green areas are:

  • Tifdwarf Bermudagrass – a popular choice for putting green, as it has smaller leaves and stems.
  • TifEagle Bermudagrass – With a superior putting surface of 0.125 inches, this is the perfect choice for putting green cover.


The best grass choices for golf fairways are:

  • Tifway 419 Bermudagrass – this variety has been the standard for golf course tees and fairways across the southern United States for years.
  • Cavalier Zoysiagrass – this grass boasts a fine texture with long, narrow leaves and high-density stolon production.
  • Diamond Zoysiagrass – this variety has a beautiful fall color retention, as well as outstanding recuperative abilities.
  • Palisades Zoysiagrass – with its dark green color and coarse texture, this grass is excellent for most golf fairways.

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